Hotel X is one of the four-star hotel located in District X which is a business hotel that also offers accommodation for guests to vacation or conduct a meeting events such as conferences, meetings, weddings or events. The strategic location and has views of the mountains as close to the attractions so as to provide a new atmosphere and comfort to each guest.
Hotels that had stood since 1989 has always been to improve the quality and facilities by increasing the number of rooms that were once only 35 rooms but is now a 128 room resort hotel and get a manifold classification conference hotel. Guests staying at this hotel in general is the business that comes from inside or outside the city.
This is consistent with the results of interviews with Assistance. Front Office stated sometimes room inventory information is not immediately delivered to the marketing in Jakarta. Giving rise to disillusionment with the guests who will stay at the Hotel X.
It also fits the data Guest Comment regarding Reservation and Reception Assistance staff obtained from the Front Office Manager Hotel X in April 2009. With the assessment criteria which consists of Excellent (E), Good (G), Average, and Poor.
From the table above can be seen that 73.33% room rate reservation service is poor (P), then as much as 26.67% rate on average reservation only saj a. From the category {Special request was Considered), guests rate bad service as much as 53.33% and the remainder on the assessment of an average of 46.67%. Then the category (Value of price was reasonable), guests rate 60% say worse (P) and the rest to assess the average (A) as much as 40%. Furthermore, from the category (FO staff was friendly and well groomed), guests rate 60% answered average (A), poorly answered as many as 33.33% and the remaining 26.67% answered either. Then the process (Check in procedure) guest judge as much as 46.67% in both categories, as much as 20% in the category average and as much as 33.33% in the bad category. While in the process (Chek out procedure) most of the guests a good answer as many as 60%, and 26.67% said bad and the rest is 13:33% answered average.
From the above data indicate that the guest reservation process has not been fully met because there is a 73% room rate that bad service, especially on the reservation service because the problem is always in conflict with the marketing.
Based on the description above, the authors are interested in doing research with the title "The Effect of Training Programs Performance Improvement Against Employees In Hotel X".
Identification of Problem
Based on the description above, the core were analyzed in this study is on employee training program to improve employee performance. In detail the problems in this study can be identified as follows:
1. How is the implementation of training programs conducted at the Hotel X?
2. How employee perrformance at the Hotel X?
3. How much influence the training programs conducted by human resources in efforts to improve the performance of employees in Hotel X?
For ease in analyzing the problem to be discussed, the authors limit the issues examined in this study. As for some of the restrictions the problem is:
1. Implementation of employee training program is only in the front office {Front Office) Hotel X.
2. Picture of employee performance at the Front Office at Hotel X.
Research Objectives
This study aimed to obtain data to answer the research problem that has been formulated above. The purpose of this study as follows:
1. To obtain a picture of the implementation of training programs conducted at the Hotel X.
2. To analyze the performance of employees at the Front Office Hotel X,
3. To find out how much influence the training programs conducted by Human Resources to improve employee performance at Hotel X.
Research Benefits
This research is expected to benefit those in need. The benefits of this research can be useful both for researchers, and companies studied in this regard is Hotel X. The benefits of this research are as follows:
1) For the researchers, can know and understand the activities of an organization of tourism-related training issues are influential in improving employee performance.
2) For the researchers, is expected to provide insight into the thinking so that it can apply the concepts and theories in the can into the practical life.
3) For a company the agency / company, can be used as a material consideration or input to decision making in the future especially with regard to the implementation of training programs in improving employee performance.
4) For the public generally can be used as a source of reference in making thesis statements primarily relating to the training of employees in an effort to improve employee performance.